Hybrid Corn Seeds
Proline has promising products in bitter gourd, bottle gourd, ridge gourd & sponge gourd which are prolific bearers with acceptable consumer needs.
Days to 1st Harvest :50-55 days
fruits shape : Flattish round .
Green color
Remarks : it can be harvested at small size . a very yielding hybrid can be grown in summer, rainly season & mild winter.


Days to 1st Harvest :55-60days
fruits shape : semi-Flat Round Small.
Green color
Nip Neck at mouth
Season : All three seasons
Remarks: it is very vigorous Growing & High Yield Hybried.
Days to 1st Harvest :55-60 days
fruits shape :Cylindrical to Bottle
Season : All three seasons
Fruit length : Attractive Green Colour High Yield Vigorous Growth Plant


Days to 1st Harvest :55 days
Fruits shape : Cylindrical
Season : All three seasons fruits length :1.5 ft
Remarks It is Very Vigorous Growing & High Yielding Hybrid, having green color
Plant : Highly Vigorous , prolific fruit set
Fruit length : Long ,dark green color ,Spiny
Fruit length :20-25 cm
Harvesting : 50-55 Days after sowing
Suitable for long duration harvest


Plant : Vigorous , High Yield
Fruit :Medium short, green color , Non -spiny
Fruit length :12-15 cm
Harvesting : 45-50 days after sowing
Suitable for long duration harvest
Days of 1st Harvest :50-55 Days after sowing
Fruit :Straight growing and long with
approx weight 125 gm's.
Season :Round the year
Fruit length :40-45 cm
Remark :vigorous vine growth, Attractive strong Ridges Short inter nodes and highly productive


Days to 1st Harvest :60 Days
Fruit :light Green .
Fruit Shape :It is smooh with faint strips
Fruits length :Approx .25 cm
Remarks :It is amid Long to long hybrid and very productive .It is recommended for sowing in Rainy season , Summer and mild winter . It has light green Colour.
Days of 1st Harvest :60 Days after sowing
Fruit :Light Green.
Fruit Shape : It is smooth with faint strips
Fruit length :Approx 25 cm
Remarks : It is a mid long hybrid and very productive . It is recommended for sowing in Rainly season , Summer and mild winter. It has light green color