Hybrid Corn Seeds
Proline has open pollinated varieties ,ranging from deep red to light red color which widely adaptable to Khraif, Rabi & Summer The processing type onion of Proline has a good processing quality with high TSS & high dry matter recovery.
bulb weight : 180 to 200 g
Shape : Globe
Colour : Light Red
Pungency : Semi pungent.
Storage :Good keeping quality
Maturity : 105 to 115 days (After transplanting)
Special feature :Very good for storage 6 to 8 month , uniform size good looking bulb high yield variety.


Bulb weight : 110-130 g.
Shape : Round
Colour :Light red
Pungency :Semi Pungent.
Storage :Good keeping quality
Maturity 100 to 105 ays after transplanting Special feature Good Keeping quality 5 to 7 months, good market