Watermelon is a vine flowering plant originally from southern Africa. It is a large ,Sprawling annual plant with coarse, hairy Pinnately- lobed leaves and white to yellow flowers. The fruit is rich in vitamins A and C and can be eaten raw or cooked in variety of ways . Proline research effort disease -resistant varieties and develop three hybrid with good shipping and higher yield varieties.
A vigorous medium to early hybrid ( 85 -90 days ) with good adaptability . Fruits are oval to oblong in shape, each weighing 9-12 Kg. Ring is light green with dark green stripes. Flesh is deep crimson red with good texture and sweetness (TSS 12-13 % ) Good transport
and keeping qualities are other major attributes of this popular hybrid.
A vigorous medium to early hybrid ( 75-80 days ) with good adaptability . Fruits are oval to oblong in shape, each weighing 8-11 Kg. Ring is light green with dark green stripes. Flesh is deep crimson red with good texture and sweetness (TSS 11-14 % ) Good transport
and keeping qualities are other major attributes of this popular hybrid.
Early maturatio ,fruit st easy fruits is long oblong shape dark green rind with black stripe, red flesh .Sugar contect 13 % fruit weight 4-6kg, good shipping.